湖南株洲供應中頻電源|中頻電源廠家,中頻感應加熱設備 中頻感應電源 中頻熱處理設備 中頻電源;株洲湘中工業熱力有限責任公司. 用途:主要用于金屬材料整體在鍛造、擠壓、和折彎前的加熱以及金屬材料的整體調質、退火、回火等熱處理。 Usage: Heating for the whole metal material before forging, extrusion and winding. Heat treatment for the whole metal materials annealing, tempering 特點:Features 加熱速度快、氧化脫碳少 、能耗低,無污染. Heating aped is higher and oxidativede-carbonzat-ion volume is less. It features in low energy consumption and no pollution . 自動化程度高,可實現全自動無人操作 Its automation degree is higher and full-automatic unattended operation can be fulfilled. 加熱均勻,溫度控制精度高. Its heating is homogeneous and temperature control precision is high.