創意設計桌 多功能升降,一桌等于多桌: 普通書桌、繪畫,設計桌,一間課室等于多間課室。 ·作普通書桌:可微調高度角度,預防近視、腰椎病和頸椎病。 ·特殊書桌:可站立學習和工作,回復人體脊椎和呼吸的自然狀態,預防肥胖和痔瘡。 ·作繪畫桌、設計桌:可調任意角度,可調節多個高度,可疊加大圖板;無需電源,價格低廉。 CREATIVITY TABLE Multifunctional movement,One desk has more functions: common desk, rawing table,designingtable. One classroom had three functions. ·As general desk :The height and the angle can be adjust,prevent from short sight , lumbar and neck hurt . ·As special desk :Can study and work at stand pose, and make your chine release, prevent illness . ·As design table :The angle and the height can be adjust ,and attach a big size board. No power needed ,low price.