成都天行堂廣告設計有限公司: 專攻: 1:企業標志(Logo)設計,企業VI設計,企業畫冊設計,企業吉祥物設計,產品包裝設計等; 2:企業CIS(企業建構,產品上市推廣等策劃);房地產設計推廣;大型工裝設計;展覽展示等等專業設計; 聯系: ◎電話: 028-65368630, 66737003 ; ◎商務QQ客服: 403324989, 491729849 ; ◎網址:http://www.tianxingtang.com ; ◎企業郵箱: [email protected] ; 全國免費服務熱線:4000-288-260 ; 歡迎來電/函咨詢,謝謝!! 天行健,君子以自強不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物 The movement of heaven is full of power. Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring. The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has breadth of character carries the outer world.
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