纖維增強硅酸鹽板 防水硅酸鹽板
專業供應纖維增強硅酸鹽板 復合硅酸鹽板 硅酸鹽 :Professional supply fiber reinforced silicate wallboards composite silicate wallboards price Portland
首先把設備表面清除干凈,把產品的3-5袋為一組加水進行攪拌成膏狀(濕料可直接使用)用托板 和鐵抹子將設備表面抹一遍,厚度不超過5mm,干透后再進行第二次涂抹,厚度約為20 mm,按此順序直到要求厚度為止。表面壓光,然后再作防水,如設備有振動,距保溫層表面約10mm處增加一層鐵絲網并扎緊,以防時間久后脫落,表層防水作法:本廠配有多種顏色憎水劑,可供用戶選擇。施工可用毛刷或滾刷兩遍可達到防水效果。第一遍涂刷與第二遍涂刷時間間隔5分鐘即可,憎水劑內禁止加水或其它化學助劑,其特點耐350高溫度,耐低溫-100度不結冰,防腐防水抗堿性穩定。
This product has low thermal conductivity, adhesive strength, don't fall off, no crack, bulk density of light, construction do not suffer device limitations, acid and alkali corrosion, oil to human body avirulent and harmless, no corrosion equipment, etc.
Construction method:
First turn on the surface of the equipment, the products clean 3-5 bags for a group of water for mixing into paste (wet material can be directly used) with torre plate and iron float shall be used to wipe the surface of the equipment again, thickness not exceed 5mm, dry after appearing again on the second daub, thickness of about 20 mm, click here to order until required thickness so far. Surface compressive light, and then made waterproof, such as equipment have vibration, is apart from the thermal insulation layer surface about 10mm place an additional level of barbed wire and tied in case time after years of falls off, surface waterproof approach: our factor