BLD51系列隔爆型高效節能燈(以下簡稱節能燈)防爆性能符合GB3836.1-2000《爆炸性氣體環境用電氣設備 第1部分:通用要求》、GB3836.2-2000《爆炸性氣體環境用電氣設備 第2部分:隔爆型“d”》的規定。適用于戶內、戶外具有爆炸性氣體混合物為Ⅱ類A、B級,T1~T4組的1區、2區場所中,在交流50HZ額定電壓110V,220V線路中作照明之用。 節能燈的有關技術資料圖樣和樣機均經國家防爆電氣產品質量監督檢驗測試中心(CQST)審查檢驗合格, Application: BLD51 series of flame-proof HESE Lamps (Hereinafter called HESE lamp ) are designed and manufactured according to the standards: GB3836.1-2000 “ Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 1: General Requirements “, GB3836.2-2000 “ Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 2: Flame-proof Enclosure “d” “. They are suitable to be used in place of zone 1 or 2 where there is explosive gas mixture which belongs to category Ⅱ, class A、B, group T1~T4 for lighting in a circuit with AC 50HZ, rated voltage of 220V, 110V. The technical drawings and documents are validated by CHINA NATIONAL QUALITY SUPERVISION AND TEST CENTRE FOR EXPLOSION PROTECTED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS ( CQST ),2、適用條件 a) 海拔不超過2000m; b) 周圍環境溫度不高于+40℃,不低于-50℃; c) 周圍空氣的相對濕度不大于95%(+25℃時); d) 在無劇烈振動或沖擊的地方; e) 在含有爆炸性氣體混合物不超過Ⅱ類,A、B級,T1~T4組的1區、2區環境中; f) 在無破壞絕緣的氣體或蒸汽的環境中。
Using Conditions: a) Altitude of the site of installation does not exceed 2000m; b) The ambient air temperature does not exceed +40℃, the lower limit of ambient air temperature is -50℃; c) The relative humi