滲透劑選來選去還是無錫開來生物好 銷量好 本文來源于:http://www.kaileip.com/ 優良的低溫滲透、潤濕力,并有理想的乳化、分散力,用于棉和滌棉冷軋堆前處理 Excellent low-temperature penetration and humidification efficiency and ideal emulsification and dispersing results used in cold pad-batch pretreatment process for cotton and polyester cotton 低泡,耐300g/l的濃堿,并有極好的潤濕滲透力,使織物絲光均勻,且光澤好 Low-foaming resistant to 300g/l strong caustic soda excellent wetting and penetration efficiency bringing even mercerization and gloss to the fabrics 聯系人: 許錫乾 電話: 0510-87587526, 郵編: 214264 傳真: 0510-7581078 手機: 13301536868 網址: http://www.kaileip.com Email: [email protected] 地 址: 江蘇省宜興市芳橋鎮工業區