螯合劑供應選擇開來生物 貨真價實 誠信經營 本文來源于:http://www.kaileip.com/ 螯合鈣、鎂、鐵離子極佳防止雜質沉積,提高濕潤性和練漂白度,增進染色鮮艷度,可用于退漿、煮練和染色工序 Excellent chelating for calcium, magnesium and ferric ions preventing impurities from precipitation Increase the humidification and improve the whiteness from scouring and bleaching process improve the color brightness for dyeing may be used in desizing, scouring and dyeing processes 有效螯合水中的金屬離子,軟化水質,防止氧漂時脆損、白點和破洞,促進染料溶解,防止聚集而沉積,提高鮮艷度用于煮練、漂白和染色工序 Effective chelating for metal ions in the water, water softening prevent embrittlement, white point and broken holes during oxygen bleaching stimulate the dissolving of dyestuff to avoid precipitation from aggregation improve the color brightness may be used in scouring, bleaching and dyeing processes 聯系人: 許錫乾 電話: 0510-87587526, 郵編: 214264 傳真: 0510-7581078 手機: 13301536868 網址: http://www.kaileip.com Email: [email protected] 地 址: 江蘇省宜興市芳橋鎮工業區