【英文名稱】Paeonia lactiflora Palls
[Name] 】White Peony Root
[Latin Name] Paeonia lactiflora Pall.
[Analytical Method] HPLC
[Pharmacological Action] 1.It has the fuction of inflammation resistance,analgesic, anti-stress and immune regulation, etc. 2.It can be mixed withCosmetics to treat comedo and the ageing delay organisms organizations. When mixed with shampoo, it can be used as hair growth management agents.It also contain the function of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, gynaecological diseases, etc.
白蕓豆, 白柳皮, 朝鮮薊, 顛茄流浸膏, 乳香, 厚樸,龍膽, 刺蒺藜, 可可, 問荊, 生姜, 黑升麻, 丹參,苦參總堿,柚皮甙,越橘,大豆,瑪珂,芍藥甙,紅景天,蔓越橘,淫羊藿等提取物