廣州市東方電線電纜廠 何先生銷售部經理He rose to sales manager 手機Mobile: 013600023420 電話Phone :0086-020-84761162 傳真Fax :0086-020-34763306 郵箱E-mail: 84761162 @ 163. Com 歡迎瀏覽網站 http://www.aaa-cable.com http://www.cable-china.cn
China's electronic map line 13600023420 Name: China's electronics line Category: rated voltage 300/300 v Model: UL Specifications :10-on the 22nd Use: Eastern Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou UL (1015,1017), the electronic line 10-22, customers can produce. 歡迎瀏覽網站 http://www.aaa-cable.com http://www.cable-china.cn