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[供應]A38Y-16C雙聯彈簧式安全閥 帶手柄彈簧安全閥 鑄鋼安全閥
  • 產品產地:上海
  • 產品品牌:上海豪利閥門
  • 包裝規格:A38Y-16C
  • 產品數量:1000
  • 計量單位:臺
  • 產品單價:1000
  • 更新日期:2015-04-17 16:18:36
  • 有效期至:2016-04-16
  • 收藏此信息
A38Y-16C雙聯彈簧式安全閥 帶手柄彈簧安全閥 鑄鋼安全閥 詳細信息

系列  Series A38Y-16C/25/40    A43H-16C/25/40      A37H-16C/25/40 本閥門適用于工作溫度≤350℃的蒸汽、水等介質的設備和管路上。作為超壓保護裝置。連接法蘭標準按JB/T……-94的系列1。 This safety valves are used for the equipment and pipeline of the steam, water etc. medium what the working
temperature are less than 350 . Take for extra pressure protection devices.Flange connecting dimensions of comply with Standard series one of JB/T -94. 主要零部件材料  Explanation of materials for main parts A38Y, A43H, A37H safety valve, except the three-ways style (material WCB), the materials of other parts is the same as A47H, A48Y type spring loaded type safety valve. A38Y A38Y Type
(DN)A48Y Relevant A48Y Type
(DN)  A43Y A43Y Type
(DN)A47Y Relevant A47Y Type
(DN)  A37Y A37Y Type
(DN)A47Y Relevant A47Y Type
(DN) 50322  50322  50322 80502  80502  80652 100652  100802  100802 1501002  1251002  1251002       1501252  1501252

A38Y、A43H、A37H型雙聯安全閥是在Y型接頭上裝設兩個同樣規格的A48Y或A47H型安全閥而構成,其公稱通徑系列指Y型接頭進口通徑,其組合情況如下表: A38Y,    A43H, A37H    type twin safety valve is composed of    two A48Y or A47Y type safety valves with the same specifications. Which are fixed on a Y-shaped joint. The nominal    diameter is the inlet diameter of    the Y-shaped joint. Here is the table to show its combination. 外形尺寸和連接尺寸  Dimensions (mm) Type(DN)doDKgg1  bff1Z- dDN‘D1  k1  g2  b1  f‘Z1-      d1          L        L1          L0          h        H        A37H-16C A43H-16C5025165125100 203 4-1832140100781824-18115110165235547 8040200160135 203 8-18501651251001634-18135120190285795 8050200160135 203 8-18651851451201834-18140130205310835 10065220180155 223 8-18802001601352038-18160135255355890 12580250210185 223 8-181002201801552238-181701602604101,170 150100285240210 243 8-231252502101852238-181901902754301,240 A37H-25
A43H-255025165125100 203 4-1832140100781824-18115110165235547 8040200160135 223 8-18501651251001634-18135120190285795 8050200160135 223 8-18651851451201834-18140130205310835 10065230190160 243 8-23802001601352038-18160135255355890 12580270220188 283 8-261002201801552238-181701602604101,170 150100300250218 303 8-261252502101852238-181901902754301,240 A37H-40
A43H-4050251651251008820344-1832140100781624-18115110165235547 804020016013512122348-18501651251001634-18135120190285795 805020016013512122348-18651851451201834-18140130205310835 100652351901601502434.58-23802001601352038-18160135255355890 125802702201881762834.58-261002201801552238-181701602604101,170 1501003002502182043034.58-261252502101852238-181901902754301,240 A38Y-16C5020165125100 203 4-1840150110851634-18198100165225636 8032200160135 203 8-18651851451202034-18230120190265817 10040220180155 223 8-18802001601352038-18293140265265921 15080285240210 243 8-231252502101852238-183201752504201,097 A38Y-255020165125100 203 4-1840150110851634-18198100165225636 8032200160135 223 8-18651851451202034-18230120190265817 10040230190160 243 8-23802001601352038-18293140265265921 15080300250218 303 8-261252502101852238-183201752504201,097 A38Y-4050201651251008820344-1840150110851634-18198100165225636 803220016013512122348-18651851451202034-18230120190265817 100402351901601502434.58-23802001601352038-18293140265265921 150803002502182043034.58-261252502101852238-18320175250


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