BAD52-e增安型防爆防腐燈(工程塑料) 適用范圍 Application 1區、2區危險場所。 ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境。 適用于可燃性粉塵場所. 可配裝白熾燈、汞燈、金鹵燈。 Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere. Can be used in hammable dust atmosphere. Suitable for incandescent lamp,mercury vapor lamp, high-pressure sodium vapor lamp,metal halide lamp.
型號含義 Model implication
產品特點 Features With handy structure,graceful shapement. 外客采用玻璃纖維增強不飽和聚酯樹脂(SMC)壓制而成。 The shell is made of glass-fiber and unsaturatedpolyesterresin(SMC). 燈罩能快速開啟,便于維修。 The lampshade can be opened quickly,which is easy for maintaining. 鋼管布線。 Suitable for steelpipe. 符合GB3836-2000.IEC60079標準要求. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. 技術參數 Min technical parameters 防爆標志 防護等級 防腐等級 電纜外徑(¢,mm) 進線口螺紋(G") 燈座代號&nb