[主要成份]蘋果醋酸、武靴藤提取物、天然維他命B-6、蘋果膠質、藤黃果、魔芋粉、甘薯纖維素等。 [功效成份及含量]每100g含總黃酮≥300mg [保健作用]減肥、排毒、養顏。 [適宜人群]本品針對單純性肥胖者,頑固型肥胖及反復減肥無效者外,特別適合肚腩特別肥胖的人群。(兒童、孕婦、心臟病、高血壓、糖尿病、中風史、腎病患者忌服) [包裝規格]6粒/板*5板*300mg/粒(30天量) [食用方法]服用前3天,隔天一次,每次1粒,早餐前或后服用;3天后,每天1次,每次1粒,早餐前服用。 [批準文號]衛食健字(1998)第017號 [執行標準]Q/ZX 02-1998 [技術提供]美國宣姿(SANZI)生物減肥研究中心 The 3rd generation Apple Cider Vinegar
The 3rd generation Apple Cider Vinegar Slimming Capsule uses "CO2 supercritical extraction technology super-concentrated" based on the second generation,which make the effectiveness of the active ingredients increase 8 times.With the concentrated technology ,the malic acid that each capsule contains is equivalent to 100 ml apple vinegar and 3000 USA fresh green apple! In addition to weight loss, this product contains large amounts of apple gum, cellulose, etc.,which can replenish lost nutrients during weight loss and make the skin bright and luster,really achieve the purpose of losing weight and beautifying skin,It is a ideal weight loss product for the new generation of obese individuals. [Main Ingredients] Apple acetic acid, Gymnema vine extract, natural vitamin B-6, apple pectin, Garcinia cambogia, konjac flour, sweet potato cellulose. [Effective component and content] each 100g contains total flavonoids ≥ 300mg [Health effects] lose weight, detoxification, beauty. [Appropriate population] This product is for the simple obesity, stubborn obesity and those who are no