1、A machine dual purpose, may mark the plane material, also uses in the circular cylinder material 2、The equipment operation is simple, Marking software function to be formidable, may mark the artistic character and the design in the circular cylinder side 3、The function is formidable, may adjust the mark speed and the mark depth willfully, may induct vector charts and so on CAD
項目(Itim) UNIT SW-PC 打標范圍(Scope) mm X=110 Y=80 Z=300 標記內容(Content) CAD矢量圖,標尺刻度,英文字符、數字、流水號(能做到自動流水號遞增)等
標記速度(Marking Speed) 字/秒(A character/S) 2-3 重復標記精度(ReMarking Precision) mm 0.02 沖擊頻率(Impact Frequency) 次/秒(T/S) 250-350 標記深度(Depth) mm 0.02-2(根據材料可調) 工作氣壓(Work pressure) bar 1-6 工作電壓(Work Voltage) 220V 50HZ 設備質量(Weight) KG 55 工件要求(Object Request) 質量小于4KG的圓柱材料