Wind resistance (風載)
Resistance to snow load (雪載)
Operating effort (操作力)
Design of the operating mechanism a HPV diagrams
("Human Pull Value") (操作設計檢查)
Resistance of locking mechanism (鎖緊裝置測試)
Mechanical endurance (repeated operating cycles) (機械壽命)
Operation in frosty conditions (低溫操作)
(3)歐洲標準:EN 74-1:2005
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 1: Couplers for tubes -
Requirements and test procedures
1)直角扣件(需要指定等級Class A /Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破壞Failure force
抗拉分Pull apart force
十字抗彎剛度及極限彎矩(僅適用B級) Cruciform bending stiffness and Cruciform bending ultimate moment(Class B only)
扭轉剛度及轉矩(僅適用B級) Rotational stiffness and
moment(ClassB only)
2)旋轉扣件(需要指定等級Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破壞failure force
壓痕測試 indentation
3)平行扣件(需要指定等級Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破壞failure force
壓痕測試 indentation
4)對接扣件(需要指定等級Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
彎矩(僅適用B級) Bending moment(Class B only)