觸頭盒 s觸頭盒系列產品概述 1.觸頭盒為環氧樹脂APG工藝壓力凝膠成型結構,用于各種手車式開關柜,起絕緣隔離和聯接過渡作用。 Thecontact box is formed byepoxy with APG technies,it is used forinsulation isolation and connection transition of various switchtrucks. 2.型號含義 型號含義
使用條件 Operation Condition 1.海拔高度不超過1000M Altitude:≤1000m; 2.周圍氣溫 40℃~10℃; Ambient temperature: 40℃~10℃; 3.當空氣溫度20℃時,相對濕度布超過95% The relative humidity shall not be more than95%at 20℃ ambient temperature; 4.無嚴重影響觸頭盒絕緣的氣體、蒸汽、灰塵及其它爆炸性和腐蝕介質的場所。 NO gas ,wapor or dust thatmay severely affect the insulation of contact box,no explosive orcorrosive substance. 技術數據和要求 Technical Date &Requirement 技術數據和要求
[1]1.觸頭盒同觸頭對地應能耐受工頻實驗電壓(有效性)42KV,歷時5分鐘,雷電沖擊(峰值)75KV; The copercontact to earth shall withstand power frequency testvoltage(effective value )of 42kv for 5 minutes and lightningimpulse vpltage (peak value)of 75KV; 2.觸頭盒在額定電流下,長期工作下出線端部溫升不超過65℃; The temperature of lead-outterminal shall not bemore than 65℃ if the contact box is used forlong time in rated current condition; 3.觸頭盒外形及安裝尺寸見附圖。 觸頭盒產品型號 觸頭盒CH1-10Q-150(630-1250A) CH2-10Q-180(1250A) CH3-10Q-190(1600A) CH4-10Q-208(2000A) CH5-10Q-250(3150-4000A) CH6-10Q-230(3150-4000A) CH7-10-210 JYN2-10Q(630A)
電 話:0577-27881563
傳 真:0577-27851563
手 機:13968724418
地 址:浙江省樂清市柳市鎮東風工業區 網址:www.cnrmct.com