幾乎每個人都知道,人總不能無所事事,人生必須有目標,必須采取行動!但是,聰明人的人知道,目標必須切合實際,行動也必須積極有效。不能為了出風頭或一時痛快而不顧可能產生的不良后果。 在我們的習慣性思維,一般不會放棄表示特別的偏好,不輕易放棄生命作為一個固定的哲學。有許多人在面臨選擇的總是不愿放棄,結果孤注一擲。把握時機,保持一個清醒的頭腦,學會選擇,學會放棄。只有學會選擇,懂得放棄,懂得生活,有海闊天空的人生境界。 江蘇離子交換樹脂設備圖紙¥安微離子交換樹脂設備物理性能(1)外觀 Resin is a transparent or translucent material, its composition is different, different colors, such as styrene resin is yellow, there were black and rufous, but had little effect on performance, under normal circumstances, raw material impurities or crosslinking agent, resin in a slightly darker shade ( but the resin in the process of operation, for various reasons, sometimes the color will change ). Resin shape is spherical, required circular rate achieves 90% above. (2)粒度 Ion exchange resin particles size will influence the switching speed, pressure loss, backwash effect. Particle size cannot be too big. Water treatment ion exchange resin particles to20-40is appropriate, granularity of representation to the effective size and uniformity coefficient to express. (3)密度 關第到水處理工藝和樹脂裝填量,密度的表示方法有:干真密度(一般1.6g/cm3左右)、濕真密度(一般1.04-1.30g/cm3之間)、視濕密度(一般在0.60-0.80g/cm3之間)。(4)含水率 樹脂的含水率越大,表示孔隙率越大,交聯度越小。(5)溶脹率 Resin immersion after swelling, it and the crosslinking degree, active groups, exchange capacity, water electrolyte density, exchangeable ion properties etc.. Exchange and regeneration of ion exchange resin in the process of expansion and shrinkage phenomenon occurs repeatedly, expansion and contraction of resin is easy to rupture。(6)耐磨性 反映樹脂的機械強度,它應保證每年樹脂耗量不超過7%。(7 )溶解性 樹脂內含有低聚合物要逐漸溶解,在樹脂使用過程中也會發生膠溶。(8)耐熱性 Yang Shuzhi temperature of 100degrees&nbs