?(*^__^*) 你的貼心水處理顧問:程小姐(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……?
貼心QQ: 840265812
鐵和錳在地下(井)水中幾乎同時曾在,水中含鐵量較高時,水有鐵腥味,影響水的口感,作為造紙、紡織、印染、化工和皮革精致等生產用水,Will reduce the quality of products, including hot metal can make production equipment occurred rust, washing the clothes will appear yellow or brown stain, iron precipitate Fe2O3would grow iron bacteria, blocking the pipe, sometimes will appear red water. While the content of Mn in high water with high content of iron in the similar situation, such as the water color, flavor, smell, textile, papermaking, damage brewing, food and other industrial products quality, household appliances will pollute the brown or black,洗滌衣物會有微黑色或淺灰色斑漬。為此我國《生活飲用水衛生標準》(GB5749-85)規定,鐵含量≤0.3㎎/L,錳含量≤0.1㎎/L,超過標準的原水須經除鐵除錳處理。長時間飲用含鐵含錳量過高的水還會嚴重影響身體健康,對生產設備腐蝕能力極強。 處理方法:
The contents of iron and manganese in high water are generally used in catalyst ( such as manganese sand ) under the effect of dissolved Fe two or two valence manganese were oxidized into insoluble ferric or tetravalent manganese compounds,利用錳砂過濾器的反沖洗功能達到去除凈化的目的。4Fe2++O2+10H2O 4Fe(OH)3+8H2Mn2++O2+2H2O 2MnO2+4H+技術要求:
用于地下水除鐵除錳的天然錳砂,The forms of manganese in manganese oxide mainly. Manganese content ( MnO2) should not be less than35% of natural manganese sand filter, which can be used for groundwater in addition to iron, and can also be used for groundwater removal of manganese; manganese content is 20% ~30% of natural manganese sand filter, should be used only for iron removal of groundwater;含錳量小于20%的錳礦砂則不宜采用;宜優先采用經過科學試驗或生產使用證明能獲得良好除鐵和除錳效果的天然錳砂品種作濾料。??