澳洲花道Spa專業線院裝芳療產品簡介 ☆薰衣草按摩油☆ Lavender Massage Oil 貨號:C-111 Barcode: 條形碼: 9317773011135 容量:1000ml 成分:葡萄籽、甜杏仁、月見草、薰衣草功效:薰衣草按摩油具有鎮定精神的效果,能夠有效地調節情緒,使身心放松。用法:按常規芳療手法 Name: Lavender Massage Oil Contains: Grape Seed Oil、Sweet Almond Oil、Evening Primrose Oil、Lavender Oil, Characteristics: Lavender oil can be used to treat a huge variety of ailments and is an essential component of any household first aid box. The gentle yet powerful healing properties in Lavender allow it to be used for burns and insect bites. The Romans used its antiseptic quality to bathe and cleanse their wounds. Lavender oil is also widely used in aromatherapy to ease tension, tiredness and feelings of depression. Usage: There are pre-blended in a mix of Grape seed carrier oils. They are ready for immediate use. 澳大利亞優越的地理環境,清新無污染的空氣.肥沃的土壤,澳洲獨特純天然本土植物,提煉出100%純天然植物精油,在世界芳療上完美呈獻. 來電訂購折扣更低! 如果您有意向請進一步詳談:QQ1207634478 電話:18610529830 霍 小姐