加盟項目美容院SPA會所精油項目。項目說明SPA,香薰 ,按摩,卵巢保養加盟說明澳洲花道Spa專業線院裝芳療產品簡介☆卵巢保養精油☆Ovary Care Blend貨號:C-107 Barcode: 條形碼: 9017773011325
成分:葡萄籽、可可巴、月見草、澳洲藍柏油(Australian Blue Cypress)、玫瑰、天竺葵、甜橙、沒藥、乳香精油功效:平衡荷爾蒙,針對生理周期不適,月經疼痛,閉經,白帶過多,更年期等情況,能有效規律經期,減輕經前群候癥,改善膚色,淡化色斑。用法:按常規芳療手法
Name: Ovary Care Blend Contains: Grape Seed Oil、Jojoba Oil、Evening Primrose Oil、Australian Blue Cypress Oil、Rosalina Oill, Geranium Oil, Orange Oil, Myrrh Oil, Frankincense Oil.
Characteristics: The oils in the Ovary Care Blend are reputed to be uplifting, and our particular formulation is the result of sophisticated testing and years of experience.
Usage: Ready for immediate use. 其他說明澳洲花道精油招商QQ1207634478,電話18610529830霍小姐