檢 驗 項 目 T e s t I t e m 檢 驗 標 準 T e s t S t a n d a r d 檢 驗 結 果 T e s t r e s u l t 性狀 (Characters) 白色粉末 (White powder) 合格 (Conform) 水溶解試驗 (Water dissolves experiment) 應符合規定 (Comply with the standard) 合格 (Conform) PH值 (Ph) 6.0~7.5 6.8 對碘靈敏度 (Sensitivity of iodine) 0.002% 0.0015% 干燥失重 (Loss on drying) 0.0005% 0.0002% 灼燒殘渣 (Ignition residue) 0.0001% 0.00006% 還原費林試劑物質 (reducing Fehling’s reagent material) 0.002% 0.0001% 鐵 (Iron) 0.0005% 0.0002% 鉛 (Plumbum) 0.001% 0.001% 結論(Conclusion):符合分析純之規定(The above product complies with AR)