二手綜合測試儀CMD55 CMD 55 李生:13528825696
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本公司長期高價:Agilent、HP、Anritsu、Advantest、R/S、/MARCONI網絡分析儀、手機綜合測試儀、無線電綜合測試儀、萬用表校準儀、頻譜分析儀、視頻分析儀、音頻分析儀、噪聲系數分析儀、藍牙測試儀、視頻圖象信號源、LCR測試儀(電橋)、高低頻信號源、示波器、萬用表、手機程控電源、電子負載、頻率計、功率計、儀器配件,GPIB卡、GPIB轉USB線等等。歡迎來電咨詢 李生:13528825696
CMD52 is a compact unit for testing GSM900 mobiles. The CMD55 is
furthermore capable of testing GSM1800 (formerly named PCN orDCS1800)
and GSM1900 (formerly named PCS or DCS1900) mobile phones. Both models
are favourably priced and combine small dimensions with high
measurement accuracy and speed.The testers range of capabilities
includes all signalling, generator and measurement functions required
for verifying the correct operation of the DUT (Device Under Test).
Thanks to its fast go/nogo tests and accurate analysis using optional
extensions, CMD52 and CMD55 are equally well suited for R&D, production
and high-end service and production.Based on the wide-range know-how
of Rohde & Schwarz in digital radiocommunication testing, which not
least was obtained in developing type-approval test systems such as
the GSM900 and GSM1800 system simulators, both CMD models are top-
grade testers for present and future measurement applications.Test
capabilitiesTo test mobile phones, the CMD simulates a GSM900, 1800