廣西水處理設備廠◎南寧反滲透設備價格◎南寧工業純水處理設備◎ 奧凱為您提供最優質的服務, 【 二十四小時服務熱線:13825155234 聯系人:田先生 在線服務QQ:840265812 】 品質最優、性價比最合理,歡迎您的來電咨詢。 一、反滲透的簡介:反滲透設備是主要的脫鹽設備之一。Reverse osmosis equipment is to rely on larger osmotic pressure, through the membrane filtration process by capillary action, from water to remove more than 90% of the dissolved salts and more than 99% of the colloid, microorganism, organic matter。 特點及應用范圍:脫鹽率高,又可以同時除去細菌、毒素及其它有機物,出水水質符合國標GBI7323-1998標準;Reverse osmosis equipment main parts imported American composite membrane components and imported stainless steel high pressure pump, adaptability, water desalination rate and service life etc., and other than the reverse osmosis element, has unique advantages; design pressure: 1.05~1.6Mpa, desalination rate:96~99%; high degree of automation, stable operation, low failure rate and operation low cost; for liquor blending water,罐頭產品加工用水,瓶、桶裝飲用水,各種飲料用水;適用于電子、化工、電力、制藥等行業用水的制備; 適用于高純水的處理。 廣州奧凱這一項裝置是為滿足純凈水生產的客戶而設計,The whole device process: water ( tap water ) through a booster pump water into the filter medium ( containing quartz sand filter, activated carbon filter ) after filtration, through the security filter depth filtration, from the high pressure pump into the reverse osmosis system, depth desalting into the intermediate water tank, the effluent can reach the national drinking water standard the desalting rate at 98%,電導率≤10us/cm,達到國家飲用水標準,為確保客戶的需求,我們特配置了紫外線殺菌和臭氧發生器等設施,更有力保障出水的衛生和安全性,從中間水箱出來的水最終送入灌裝系統灌裝,送入市場. 廣州奧凱這一項純水裝置采用原裝進口海德能膜,南方高壓泵,304不銹鋼膜殼,系統控制采用PLC,觸摸屏,等進口元件,完善的保護系統,確保整套裝置可做到無人值守,自動化運行程度高。 1.工作原理 本系統為CX-5T/H型超濾水處理設備。In order to meet use