中水回用設備,中水回用工程設備,在廣東哪個品牌最好呢? 節約能源一起來,好山好水好將來。 萬般能源眾家省,源遠流長照世人。 節約大家做,能源大家享。 節能解危機,地球有轉機。 節能做的好,朝朝無煩惱。 欲享資源用不竭,各種能源隨手節。 能源來自大自然,節能保護大自然。 省一分鐘電,多一分鐘電。 Energy saving up, good future. All the energy the province, has a long history in the world. Do you enjoy saving, energy. Energy saving solution of crisis, the earth. Energy to do good, towards no worries. Wish to enjoy the resources use inexhaustible, various energy readily festival. Energy saving from the nature, protect the nature. Saves minute electricity, one more minute electricity. 中水回用設備-概述 Reclaimed water reuse device EVU water treatment technology is the domestic sewage purification function of EVU technology and equipment, the use of EVU patented technology and equipment of chemical and biological purification function, make life sewage organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances can be removed, thereby realizing the sewage regeneration and recycling, effectively protect environment, reduce the cost of water. The main technical indicators: treatment, sewage quantity5M3/ d-2000m3/ day; water reuse rate of more than 80%. Every ton of water purification cost only between0.35-0.45element 中水回用設備-應用范圍 應用范圍:生活小區、賓館、療養院、綜合樓等生活污水及部分工業污水。處理后,中水可用于沖洗廁所、汽車、道路綠化、澆灌綠地及補充鍋爐用水。 廣州奧凱中水回用設備有限公司是一家專業從事水處理技術研究和開發的科技型企業,承接各類凈水工程、污水處理和中水工程,為客戶提供工程設計、制造、安裝、調試、運營等服務。公司服務領域涉及房地產、市政、食品飲料、電子、電力、化工、醫藥、印染、淀粉、啤酒、釀造、屠宰、等行業。 以上是中水回用設備的詳細信息,如果您對中水回用設備的價格、廠家、型號、圖片有什么疑問,請聯系我們獲取中水回用設備的最新信息. 中水回用設備-水質要求 Reclaimed water reuse device EVU water treatment technology is the domestic sewage purification function of EVU technology and equipment, the use of