本公司集研發銷售于一體,主要研發新材料,同時代理銷售漢高樂泰Loctite及Hysol品牌:產品有底部填充膠、貼片紅膠、環氧膠、攝像模組膠、低溫固化膠、螺絲膠、硅像膠、密封膠、導熱膠、UV紫外線膠、樂泰以一系列的化學科技,滿足了精密機械、電子、汽車、國防、航太等各種工業與產品上固定、接著、密封…等各項之需求,這些高性能的接著劑均已成功的在數以萬計的產品組裝生產線上,發揮了迅速且有效的功能。國際知名廠商如Nokia, TOYOTA,HP, Coca Cola..等皆仰賴漢高的產品、技術及服務品質。銷售:137.5113.6332.陳新 Q.Q:3022.24.564.網w.w.w.l.o.c.t.i.t.e-t.w.c.o.m 固化后材料典型性能樂泰3128膠水 LOCTITE3128? is a one part, heat curable epoxy. This product is designed to cure at low temperature and gives excellent adhesion on a wide range of materials in considerably short time. Typical applications include Memory cards, CCD/CMOS Assemblies. Particularly suited where low curing temperatures are required for heat sensitive components. LOCTITE 3220 provides the following product characteristics: Technology Epoxy Appearance Black Product Benefits ● One component ● Fast cure at low temperatures ● Excellent adhesion Cure Heat cure Application Adhesive and Sealant Typical Applications Image sensors and MMC LOCTITE 3220 is designed for use in heat sensitive devices.美國樂泰3220黑膠\樂泰3129銷售.