產品介紹,加強LED燈條排線膠,電線等焊點接頭,接插件腳座等補強,加固膠水,UV紫外線可見光固化。黑色UV膠,紅色UV膠,透明UV膠,紫外線固化膠。耐冷熱沖擊UV紫外線固化膠,耐高低溫紫外線膠,可承受大拉力排線膠,UV膠。技術及服務品質。華南區銷售處:137.5113.6332.高先生 Q.Q:3022.24.564. 燈罩粘接加固膠LOCTITE3280 LOCTITE ABLESTIK NCA 3280 is designed for heat sensitive applications requiring a low cure temperature. It cures rapidly providing customers high throughput in applications, such as, bonding of lightdiffusing lenses over LEDs and assembly of image sensing devices including camera modules. This material is white in color to provide greater light reflectivity.