LMS馬達是一種端面配流馬達。其結構特點:?先進的端面配流設計,低速轉動平穩。?先進的軸密封設計,能承受高背壓。?先進的配油機構設計, 具有磨損自動補償功能。?雙列圓錐滾子軸承設計能夠承受較大的徑向力。?多種法蘭、輸出軸、等安裝連接形式。  LMS motor is a disc valve type gerolor motor.Characteristic features:?Advanced design in disc distribution flow, which can provide improved performance at low speed.?Advanced  design of shaft seal, which can bear higher pressure.?Advanced  distribution  mechanism design, which has the automatic compensation function.?Double-rolling bearing design, which  permit higher radial loads.?A variety of connection types of flange Rabbet:, output shaft and oil port.   1.最大壓力指入口最大壓力,連續工作壓力指工作壓差.
2.馬達不能同時在最高壓力和最大轉速下工作.3.在斷續工作條件下,運行時間每分鐘不能超過10%.4.推薦用68#抗磨液壓油,粘度37-73cSt,清潔度ISO18/135.最高工作油溫80°6.馬達滿負荷工作前,應在最高工作壓力的40%以下磨合1h.7.馬達允許最大背壓10MPa,但推薦不要超過5MPa,超過時應接外泄油管.  1. Intermittent means the entrance of the maximum pressure continuous working pressure means the differential pressure2. Motor should not work under the highest pressure and the maximum speed3. The running time should not exceed 10% under intermittent working conditions4. Recommending N68 anti-wear hydraulic oil, viscosity 37-73cSt, cleanliness ISO18/13.5. The Maximum working temperature is 80  °6. One hour running time under 40% of maximum working pressure is recommended before full capacity working.7. The maximum allowable back pressure is 10MPa, but the recommended back pressure should not exceed 5MPa.a leaking pipes isneeded when exceeding