1. 1區、2區或20區、2l區、22區危險場所;
2. ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC類爆炸性氣體環境或可燃性粉塵環境;
3. 戶內、戶外(IP65)。
1. Hazardous: division l&2or zone 20, 21, 22;
2. Explosive gas atmospheres: class ⅡA, ⅡB,
ⅡC or flammable dustatmospheres;
3. Indoor or outdoor(IP65).
1. 方形鋁合金外殼,壓鑄成型,表面噴塑,外形美觀;
2. 鋼化玻璃,不銹鋼外露緊固件;
3. 燈具與鎮流器等附件為一體式設計,光源腔與鎮流器腔分別獨立,便于安裝與維修;
4. 可加裝補償電容,補償后COSφ≥0. 8;
5. 采用側面開蓋,快速更換燈泡;
6. 桔紋漫反射板可使光線柔和,照射角幅度大;
7. 電纜布線。
1 .Square enclosure is cast with aluminium alloy, surface is sprayed with plastic,fine outline;
2. Toughened glass, outer fasteners are made of stainless steel;
3. Lamp and ballast are designed holistically ,luminaries chamber and ballast areindependent respectively, which is convenient to install and maintain;
4. Building out capacitor can be added, cosφ≥0.8;
5. Side open structure, it's easy for replacing bulb;
6. Orange wave baffle-board make the light soft, the irradiation range is large;
7. Wiring with cable.
8.Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079standard request.