江口縣堯天石材  tel:18908562061(靳經理)
      為促進工廠由粗加工向精加工轉型,我公司投入120余萬元購置了一整套數 字打磨機、紅外線切割機等先進設備,這套設備的投入使用,大大的降低了產 品的生產成本,提高了工作效率,還有效的節約了石材資源。
      公司所選原料為天然板巖,是公共建筑、家庭裝修、園林建筑等理想的建 筑材料,它即弘揚東方古老的文化,又體現西方古典、優雅、返補歸真的藝術 風格。主要產品種類有:青板、綠銹和銹板。常規尺寸有:120×60cm,90× 60cm,60×60cm,30×60cm,30×30cm,20×40cm,30×15cm,10×20cm等,并可 按客戶要求進行各種古面、磨光面、亞光面、自然面、蘑菇文化石等表面加工 。
      To promote plant consists of roughing to finishing transition,  the company invested more than 120 million yuan to purchase a set  of digital grinding machine, infrared cutting machine and other  advanced equipment, the equipment is put into use, greatly  reducing production costs, improve work efficiency, but also  effectively saving the stone resources.
        Companies selected raw materials are natural slate, public  buildings, home decoration, landscape architecture, such as the  ideal building material, namely promoting the ancient oriental  culture, but also reflects the Western classical, elegant, back  fill Guizhen artistic style. Main products are: Green board, green  rust and rust boards. Conventional size: 120 × 60cm, 90 × 60cm,  60 × 60cm, 30 × 60cm, 30 × 30cm, 20 × 40cm, 30 × 15cm, 10 ×  20cm, etc., and customers can request a variety of ancient  surface, polished , matte surface, natural surface, mushroom  cultural stone surface processing.
無論是新石材、還是翻新后的石材,隨著正常的投入使用和時間的推移,石材的 磨損會越來越嚴重其光澤也越來越低。
石材必須要通過及時的保養才能達到應有的水平,如果光澤度下降幅度超過保養 恢復能力?就無法達到回復水平。
正確保養得方法是在石材光澤度下降幅度沒有超出保養措施恢復能力以前,及時 采用保養工藝,其保養完成后光澤度回復基本能達到原有水平,使石材長期保持 持久如新,處于較理想的使用狀態。
Stone routine maintenance
A, stone maintained the importance of timeliness
1 Necessity
Whether it is a new stone, or refurbished stone, and put to use as  a normal passage of time, the wear of the stone will become  increasingly serious its luster getting lower and lower.
(2) Timeliness
Stone must be through timely maintenance in order to achieve the  desired level, if the gloss decrease of more than ability to  recover maintenance? Reply levels can not be achieved.
Second, the proper maintenance methods
The correct approach is maintained in the stone gloss decrease  does not exceed the capacity of the previous restoration and  maintenance measures, timely adoption and maintenance process, the  maintenance is completed gloss replies can basically meet the  original level, so that the stone long-term lasting as new, in an  ideal use.