一般工業供應系統General Industry Supply System:一般行業供應系統提供單組分密封膠,從200或60升桶計量和分配系統的膠粘劑和潤滑脂。以低廉的價格,性能可靠。(General Industry Supply Systems deliver one-component sealants, adhesives and grease from 200 or 60 liter drums to metering and dispensing systems. Reliable performance at an affordable price.) 功能:Assembled in Suzhou for fast delivery Optional DataTrak accessory allows machine monitoring Optional PLC Interface accessory allows a PLC to directly read the low level and cycle count sensors, and stop and start the pump Optional Light Tower accessory is available to indicate system diagnostics 運用行業:汽車裝飾和總裝,動力總成,風力-葉片,化學品制造,車身車間密封,電子產品制造,家具涂飾/制造,汽車符合涂料,汽車電子/車罩下方 功能:蘇州組裝,發貨周期短 可選的 DataTrak 附件功能可對設備進行監控 可選的 PLC 端口允許訪問讀取低液位傳感器及循環記數傳感器數據和啟停供料泵 可選的提示信號燈附件幫助提醒系統狀態