供應上海阻燃測試機車防火阻燃測試茂名阻燃測試EN 45545-2機車防火阻燃測試15026586086
歡迎來電咨詢:呂先生 021-61310108 15026586086 QQ:1493287010
EN 45545-2歐盟機車防火阻燃測試
EN 45545-2 railway applications-fire protection on railway vehicles-Part 2:Requirements for fire behaviour of material and components.軌道車輛防火保護-材料及部件的防火要求
EN ISO 4589-2:Plastics-Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index-Part 2:Ambient temperature test 氧指數測試
ISO 5658-2:Reaction to fire tests--Spread of flame--Part 2:Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration火焰傳播-直立布局中建筑產品側面火焰蔓延程度
ISO 5660-1:Reaction-to-fire tests--Heat release,smoke production and mass loss rate--Part 1:Heat release rate(cone calorimeter method)對火的反應測試-熱釋放量、煙的產生及質量損失率。
EN ISO 9239-1:Radial panel test for horizontal flame spread of floorings地面材料燃燒性能測定—輻射熱源法測試
EN ISO 11925-2:Ignition when subjected to direct impingement of flame直接受火的建筑制品的可燃性-單一火源試驗
PrEN 45545-2 Annex C:Furniture Calorimeter vandalized 家具座椅燃燒測試
EN ISO 12952-3/4:Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding items-Part3/4:Ignitabilty by a small open flame寢具的燃燒行為測試-小明火的點燃測試
IEC/TS 60695-1-40:著火危險試驗。第1-40部分:電工產品火災危險的評估指南。絕緣液
EN ISO 50266-2-4:電線電纜多根成束垂直火焰燃燒測試
EN ISO 50268-2:Common test methods for cables under fire conditions–Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions-Part 2:Procedure 電線電纜的密度的測試
EN ISO 9705:Full scale room test for surface products全尺度燃燒試驗
NF X 70-100:Gas analysis for the 8 gases毒性的測試方法
EN ISO 5659-2:Plastics--Smoke generation--Part 2:Determination of optical density by a single-chamb