Low sound.corruption proof,high pressale driven power auto-suck 5cmmaximal Temperatule of medium at 60℃ maximal Dehyaration performance permitted self-serve switch which contrd by pressure test make sure the water pump free from damage on its performing
To increase the pressure of the house water supplier,facilitate the auto hydro-cleaning,andseawater desalt on the boat.Be the same with the water purify by filter,water refine equipment filter,sprayer serve and suppiy measure in Various induster say chemical hygiene,environ me ntal protecting,and prineingetc.
微型隔膜泵安裝指南: style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">TINY DIAPHRAGM PUMP GUIDE: 隔膜泵進出口的封蓋. style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Installation, need to pull out the diaphragm blocks the import and export. With the import and export with the pump attached connector, DP-130 DP-125 DP-100 DP-60-type diaphragm import and export using ZG3 / 8 "outer teeth G29/64" pipe joints; DP-35 diaphragm pump into the Export using 3 /&nbs