風帆蓄電池采用國際內化成高新技術及生產工藝,實現了企業的環保理念。外化成和內化成區別在于:傳統蓄電池主要通過化成槽進行充電,化成后變為熟極板,然后出槽,負極板在接觸空氣和清洗時會快速氧化,很難保證電池極板質量,并產生廢水,對環境造成很大污染;內化成則采用特殊配方的生極板,裝入電池槽內密封充電,極板既不會接觸到空氣也不會氧化,正負極板充電均衡,電池一直性好,壽命長,真正實現了優化生產,綠色電池的環保理念。風帆電瓶其中以啟動電池免維護系列為上品,特種鉛鈣多元合金,對隔板、電解液及各生產工序的雜質進行嚴格控制,優質合金板柵,自放電率小,技術指標及性能均達到了歐洲和美國同類產品的水平,如DIN德國工業標準、IEC國際電工委員會等,產品得到國際質量標準ISO9001認證,也就是從設計開發材料采購,產品生產、檢驗、安裝及服務等一套天衣無縫的質量控制系統來保證其產品的優秀質量,風帆蓄電池能量輸出,高循環使用壽命、高功率之優點。免保養,免加水,可重覆循環使用,電槽外殼經超音波特殊密封,置放時不受方向、位置之限制,精密技術配方,使用壽命長,自行放電率極低,具有優良的使用可靠度。高率放電性能優異,深度放電後亦可回復充電,自主專利技術的鐵箱與蓄電池配套使用,確保蓄電池組使用更加安全,特種鉛鈣多元合金,對隔板、電解液及各生產工序的雜質進行嚴格控制,身為鉛酸蓄電池的世界級領導品牌,風帆的產品已被廣泛地應用于世界各國汽車、ups、叉車、船舶、觀光車、內燃機車等啟動設備上,品質的堅持造就了風帆公司今日的成長。風帆股份有限公司所生產的電瓶皆為高效率、免維護、并獲得ISO及UL認可,今後,風帆公司將全力投入發展高科技以及客層化的電池以滿足市場及每位客戶的要求。歡迎來電咨詢更多風帆電瓶價格、廠家等資訊。Windsurfing battery USES the international internalized into high and new technology and production technology, realize the enterprise‘s environmental protection concept. Externalization and internalization into a difference: mainly through traditional battery recharged into a groove, come into practice after the plate, and then out of the groove, negative plate when contact with air and cleaning, rapid oxidation, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the battery plate, and generate wastewater, caused great pollution to the environment Internalized into, the use of the special formula, green plate into the groove sealed rechargeable batteries, plate can neither come into contact with the air nor oxidation, positive and negative plate charge equalization, better batteries a laymen, long life, truly realize the optimized production, green environmental protection concept of the battery. Sail battery which to start the series of top grade and maintenance-free batteries, special lead calcium alloy, the separator, the electrolyte, and strictly control each production working procedure of impurities, high quality alloy plate gate, small self-discharge, technical index and performance has reached the level of similar products in Europe and the United States, such as the German DIN standards, IEC international electrotechnical commission, etc., get the ISO9001 international quality standard certification, products from design development of material procurement, product manufacturing, testing, installation and service such as a set of perfect quality control system to ensure that the excellent quality of products, and the sail battery energy output, high circulation service life, the advantage of high power. Maintenance-free, free of water, can repeat cycle use, electric tank shell by ultrasound special seal, when placed are not subject to any direction, the position limit, precision technology formula, long service life, low self discharge rate, it has excellent use of reliability. After high rate discharge performance is excellent, depth of discharge can be charging, independent patent technology of iron box with battery, ensure the safety of the battery to use more special lead calcium alloy, the separator, the electrolyte and the production process of strict control of the impurity, a world leading brand of lead-acid battery, sail products have been widely used in national automobile, ups, forklift trucks, ships and sightseeing car, start the equipment such as diesel locomotive, adhere to the quality produced sail company today‘s growth. Sail co., LTD., the production of the battery are high efficiency, maintenance free, and get the ISO and UL approval, in the future, sail company will concentrate on developing high-tech and guest stratification of the battery to meet the demand of the market and customers. Welcome to inquire more information windsurfing battery price, manufacturer, etc.