Model GB
(AWS) 特點及主要用途
A002 E308L-16
(E308L-16) 抗晶間腐蝕性能優良、焊接工藝性能良好,用于超低碳 Cr19Ni10 系列不銹鋼結構的焊接。
Used for welding extra low-carbon Cr19Ni10 stainless steel. It has excellent resistance to the intercrystalline and excellent welding technology.
A022 E316L-16
(E316L-16) 用于超低碳 Cr18Ni12Mo 系列不銹鋼結構的焊接,如尿素、合成纖維等設備的不銹鋼結構。
Used for welding extra low-carbon Cr18Ni12Mo stainless steel, such as stainless steel equipments of urea, cellulose.
A042 E309MoL-16
(E309Mo L-16) 抗蝕性能優異,用于超低碳 00Cr23Ni13Mo2 系列不銹鋼結構的焊接。
Used for welding extra low-carbon stainless steel 00Cr23Ni13Mo2, It has excellent corrosion-resistance.
A062 E309L-16
(E309L-16) 抗晶間腐蝕能力強,用于超低碳 00Cr23Ni13 系列不銹鋼結構的焊接。
Used for welding extra low-carbon stainless steel 00Cr23Ni13, It has more excellent resistance to the intercrystalline.
A102 E308-16
(E308-16) 焊接工藝優異,用于一般不銹鋼結構的焊接。
Used for welding general stainless steel. It has excellent welding technology.
A107 E308-15
(E308-15) 同 A102 ,可全位置焊接。
Same as A102, used for all position welding.
A132 E347-16
(E347-16) 含 Nb : 0.8*C ~ 1.00 ,抗晶間腐蝕性能優良,用于重要耐腐蝕含鈦穩定的 0Cr19Ni11Ti 不銹鋼的焊接。 Used for welding important corrosion-resistant 0Cr19Ni11Ti stainless steel. It has excellent corrosion resistance to the intercrystalline.
A137 E347-15
(E347-15) 用途同 A132 ,可全位置焊接。
Same as A132, used for all position weld