is a worldwide group of companies, with its origins in Europe. DICTATOR’s head
office is in Neusaess near Augsburg, Germany. DICTATOR‘s manufacturing
facilities are in Europe. It offers customers ‘off the shelf’ and ‘bespoke’
solutions for many different applications, top quality solutions to meet
specific requirements. Highly developed quality assurance systems and globally
effective communications are brought together to achieve the group’s key
objective, which is to provide an inpidualized service to each customer.
Dictator’s belief is that customers truly benefit from direct contact with their
local distributor who provides the ‘close’ working relationship that ensures
even the most complex applications are found solutions quickly and easily.
DICTATOR is your competent partner for lift equipment, door closer solutions,
access control systems, door and gate operators, fire door control solutions,
damping engineering and gas spring technology. Lift EquipmentDoor Closers and
other Door EquipmentDoor locking and Interlock control systemsDoor and Gate
DrivesDoor Drives for Fire ProtectionHold-Open Devices For Fire-Protection
DoorsHydraulic DampersGas Springs