To take the mast from the
hop-pocket, stand vertically on the ground
To open the three legs of
tripod, run them parallel with the ground
3.轉動撐桿調節套使撐桿最短,這樣鎖圈處于自由轉動狀態,轉動鎖圈并鎖定; To turn the adjusting sleeves of
tripod body, make the tripod body into minimum length. The locking collar is in
free revolving, turn the locking collar and locks it
To turn the adjusting sleeve,
make the mast vertically on the ground.
To install three cordelles into one cordelle hanged ring, connect with the pump
6.在升降桿完全升起后,將纖繩下端栓在地面固定物上,以保持升降桿穩定; To fix the cordelles on the
ground so as to keep the mast completely extend
To take away the pump after
tucking up the air pipe. The mast can keep standing over 24 hours under 2kgs
air pressure
To collect the mast into the
hop-pocket after working