用 途: 主要應用于PHS電話機、對講機通訊設備、筆記本計算機、PDA、便攜式傳真機、打印機、電動工具、電動汽車、電動摩托車、電動自行車、礦燈、太陽能儲能、玩具等移動產品的電源解決方案 深圳市宇凱世華科技發展有限公司 產品特點是Rated capacity: Typical:400mAh Minimum: 380mAh Nominal voltage: 3.2V Cut-off discharge voltage: 2.0V Maximum charging voltage: 3.65V Weight:14.2g (approximately)。 我的產品的優勢是1. Good safety 2. Small physical volume 3. Light weight 4. High capacity 5深圳鋰電池IFR16340-400mAh,磷酸鐵鋰電池廠家價格_FR16340;深圳市宇凱世華科技發展有限公司. .Bigger discharging current and higher discharging platform 6. Flexible appearance design。 補充介紹All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks。