How much love how many lovesickness confidante, broken, leaving bloody Angel cry randomly.
Because of the hardness of water is mainly composed of calcium, magnesium and said, it is generally using cation exchange resin ( softener ), in Ca2+, Mg2+ ( scale forming ingredients ) replacement, along with resin Ca2+, the increase of Mg2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ resin for the removal efficiency decreased gradually. When the resin absorbs a certain amount of calcium and magnesium ions, must undertake the regeneration, regeneration process is salt box in the salt water flush resin layer, a resin on the hardness ions in replacement, with the regeneration of waste liquid discharged from the tank, resin resumed soft switching function.
由于水的硬度主要由鈣、鎂形成及表示由于水的硬度主要由鈣、鎂形成及表示鈉離子交換軟化處理的原理是將原水通過鈉型陽離子交換樹脂,使水中的硬度成分Ca2+、Mg2+與樹脂中的Na+相交換,從而吸附水中的Ca2+、Mg2+,使水得到軟化。如以RNa代表鈉型樹脂,其交換過程如下: 2RNa + Ca2+ = R2Ca + 2Na+ 2RNa + Mg2+ = R2Mg + 2Na+ 即水通過鈉離子交換器后,水中的Ca+、Mg+被置換成Na+。 一般控制閥的運行流程為:運行、反洗、吸鹽、慢洗、鹽箱補水、正洗。
Work ( sometimes called water production, similarly hereinafter ), backwashing, the salt absorption ( regeneration ), slow rinse ( replacement ), fast flushing process of five. Different water softening equipment all processes is very close, just as the actual process of different or control needs, there may be some addi