公司名稱:河北勝嘉杰銳特汽車用品科技有限公司 注冊地址:中國.河北.石家莊.石清路76號 聯系電話:0311-87725150 手機:18932921170 傳真:0311-87725170 公司郵箱:[email protected] 辦公QQ:1832623329 發動機磨合期全效保護劑 用 途: 提高汽車磨合質量,延長發動機使用壽命;將磨合期產生的金屬磨粒懸浮,不會造成干磨;消除換油期間產生的油泥和其他沉積物;清潔活塞環和氣門導管,改善發動機性能;消除液壓挺桿噪音,使發動機運轉更安靜。 用 法: 在發動機處于磨合期時將本品加入發動機曲軸箱。 提 示: 檢查車況確認符合免拆清潔條件,請認真執行操作規程,防止誤操作。 Engine breaking-in period full-effect protective agent Function: Improve breaking-in quality of automobiles, prolong engine life, suspend the metal debris generated in the breaking-in period to avoid dry grinding, eliminate oil sludge and other deposits generated during oil change, clean piston rings and valve guides, improve engine performance, and eliminate the noise arose from hydraulic tappets to make engines run quieter. Usage: Add this product to engine crankcases in the breaking-in period. Tip: Check vehicle conditions to confirm compliance of demolition-free and clean conditions, and please carefully enforce the operating instructions to prevent misuse.