適用范圍 Applicable range 1.適合制作固結及涂料磨具,濕式 或干式噴射沙。 1.Used to make clotty and dope mould clammy or dry ejecting sand. 2.適合加工硬度、抗張強度較大的 金屬材料及精密儀表、微型軸承、 量規等特種工件的超細研磨和拋光 2.Used to make the metallic materials with high rigidity and tensile strength,and to whet and polish the exact instruments, mi _nisized axletree,gauge and polish the exact instruments, minisized axletree,gauge and the other special work pieces. 3.適合光學、電子、玻璃、陶瓷、 石材、瑪瑙及高級 珠寶玉器等非金 屬材料的研磨拋光。 3.Used to whet and polish the optics, ele _ctronic,glass,stone, agate,jewellery and the other nonmetal materials. 4.還可制作高級耐火材料、電熱元 件、觸媒體、絕緣體、精密鑄造砂 及半導體材料。 4.Also used to make asvanced fire_resistant materials,electrothermal component,catalyzer,insulator,exact molten grit and semiconductor. 青州恒泰微粉主營產品:核桃殼粉 碳化硅微粉 綠碳化硅微粉 超細碳化硅微粉 研磨材料。咨詢熱線:0536-3802099 13325263778