Our country has a lot of water in the region, the iron and manganese content is higher, or more than greatly exceeded the standard of drinking water and industrial water standard. Iron, manganese iron smell, used in various types of household appliances with brown spots, wash clothes dyed yellow or brown stain, precipitation in the inner wall of the pipe iron can make the iron for bacterial growth, so that the" red water"; iron ( manganese ) water is used for paper making, textile film, manufacturing or leather, can make the product production dyeing,可提高產品質量。為了適應生活飲用水和工業用水需要,開發利用含鐵(錳◆)井水資源,奧凱公司設計了一系列的除鐵錳工藝與設備,由于該產品工藝流程簡單,除鐵除錳不需投加任何藥劑,具有運行穩定可靠、對水質適用性強、處理效率高、經濟效益顯著等特點,是除鐵除錳的理想設備。
Contact oxidation process to remove iron and manganese removal technology, according to the water containing iron and manganese content, quartz sand, anthracite and natural manganese sand as filter medium, while trapped in the filter layer, thereby completing the removal of iron and manganese by purpose. The iron and manganese removal device is characterized by simple and reliable technological process, device diversity, can be based on well water and surface water containing iron and manganese content in different choice of different aeration modes, different media, to meet the diverse needs of users, so as&nb