中水回用設備奧凱造,廣州奧凱中水回用設備公司專業生產中水回用設備,廢水回用設備,污水處理中水回用一體化設備,中水回用膜生物反應設備,提供中水回用設備設計方案,中水回用設備說明,中水回用工程策劃,中水回用設備選型,中水回用設備廠家,聯系電話:13825155234 02062241517/62241509
Application: the living community, hotel, nursing homes, building of life such as sewage and industrial sewage part. After treatment, water can be used to flush the toilet, automobile, road greening, green space and the supplement water boiler water.
Guangzhou Mr Kay water-recovery equipment Co., LTD. Is specialized in water treatment technology research and development of science and technology enterprises, accept all kinds of water purification, sewage treatment and water engineering, to provide engineering design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, operation, etc. The company services cover real estate, municipal, food and beverage, electronic, electric power, chemical industry, medicine, printing and dyeing, starch, beer, brewing, slaughtering, etc.
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Water-recovery equipment EVU process technology principle of water is in EVU sewage purification technology equipment, use of EVU patent technology and equipment of the chemical and biological purify function, make life sewage of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphor and material to remove, so as to realize the regeneration of sewage a