梅州鍋爐軟化水設備原理圖¥韶關蒸汽鍋爐軟化水設備廠家【廣州奧凱】 ??????????????????????????????????? O(∩_∩)O~聯系人:程小姐;手機號碼:13250301819;QQ:2548530917 ?????????????????????????????????? 一、鍋爐軟化水設備概述 軟化水設備,主要除祛水中的鈣、鎂離子,軟化水設備在軟化水的過程中,不能降低水中的總含鹽量。 二、鍋爐軟化水設備工作原理 由于水的硬度主要由鈣、鎂形成及表示,故一般采用陽離子交換樹脂(軟水器),將水中的Ca2+、Mg2+(形成水垢的主要成份)置換出來,隨著樹脂內Ca2+、Mg2+的增加,樹脂去除Ca2+、Mg2+的效能逐漸降低。 When the resin absorbs a certain amount of calcium and magnesium ions, must undertake the regeneration, regeneration process is salt box in the salt water flush resin layer, a resin on the hardness ions in replacement, with the regeneration of waste liquid discharged from the tank, resin resumed soft switching function. 由于水的硬度主要由鈣、鎂形成及表示由于水的硬度主要由鈣、鎂形成及表示鈉離子交換軟化處理的原理是將原水通過鈉型陽離子交換樹脂,使水中的硬度成分Ca2+、Mg2+與樹脂中的Na+相交換,從而吸附水中的Ca2+、Mg2+,使水得到軟化。 三、鍋爐軟化水設備工作流程 Work ( sometimes called water production, similarly hereinafter ), backwashing, the salt absorption ( regeneration ), slow rinse ( replacement ), fast flushing process of five. Different water softening equipment all processes are very close, but due to the actual process of different or control needs, there may be some additional process. Any with sodium ion exchange based on softened water equipment are in the five process on the basis of the development of ( among them, automatic softened water equipment will increase the focus on the process of brine ). 反洗:工作一段時間后的設備,會在樹脂上部攔截很多由原水帶來的污物,把這些污物除去后,離子交換樹脂才能完全曝露出來,再生的效果才能得到保證。反洗過程就是水從樹脂的底部洗入,從頂部流出,這樣可以把頂部攔截下來的污物沖走。這個過程一般需要5-15分鐘左右。 吸鹽(再生):The saline is injected into the resin tank process, the traditional equipment is using salt pump saline injection, automatic equipment is usi