【國慶節類禮品】紅動中國 插卡音響 鼠標 筆 成都典雅禮品 中國紅是中國人的文化圖騰和精神皈依,中國紅是中國人的魂。
中國紅意味著平安、喜慶、康壽、尊貴;意味著逢兇化吉、百事順遂。 紅動中國無處不在
,無時不在…… The
China Red, a cultural totem and a spiritual conversion of the
Chinese people, presents the people’s soul. Known
for its rich cultural
connotations, the China Red reflects, in a most delicate way, the
Chinese spirit and history of over five thousand years of
civilization. The evolution of China Red preference, throughout
years and ages, witnesses the mental developments
of the Chinese people, passing the profound Chinese cultural
heritage from generations to generations. The
China Red signifies safe, health, happiness, harmony as well as
peace and prosperity. You can find China red
everywhere at any time