這是他們的資料,您可以參考一下。 廈門影視制作公司專注于廣告片、宣傳片、3D動畫片、微電影制作 廈門崎星(影視)文化傳媒有限公司 http://www.kissingpic.com 服務熱線:4008-5008-70 我們相信,崎星能夠運用影像藝術幫助客戶創造并提升品牌和消費者之間的關系。 It’s believed that you can develop your brand and the relationship between you and your customers by Kissing Pictures’ exertion of video art. 我們相信,創意無所不在,并且在影像藝術中,創意及品牌都能得以淋漓精致地展現。 It’s believed that your brand and the ever-present innovation of Kissing Pictures are fully presented simultaneously by the video art with omnipresent innovation. 我們相信,根據您最實際的需求,運用我們杰出的溝通技巧,策略思考,創意表現及影像技術整合能力,在新媒體時代為您的品牌創造商業和社會影響力,影響消費者和社會。 It’s believed that you can exert your commercial and social influence on your customers and society in the new media era by Kissing Pictures’s outstanding communication skill, strategic thinking, innovation and technical video processing on the basis of your requirement. 我們相信,在行走影像藝術的道路上,我們的付出需要您的支持,只有這樣才能打造品牌,解決您之所需,從而讓自己得到進一步的積淀,實現雙贏。 It’s believed that only your support for Kissing Pictures’s pursuit of video art can it build a brand and offer you better service to meet your needs, which is win-win to both of us. 詳情請登錄官方網址:www.kissingpic.com