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[供應]德國VEM 電機
  • 產品產地:江蘇省
  • 產品品牌:德國
  • 包裝規格:標準
  • 產品數量:0
  • 計量單位:件
  • 產品單價:0
  • 更新日期:2014-03-10 10:11:07
  • 有效期至:2014-03-20
  • 收藏此信息
德國VEM 電機 詳細信息

VEM motors gmbh德國VEM 電機 Series: K2.. 56 to 355 Speeds: 3,000, 1,500, 1,000, 750, 600, 500 rpm , lower speeds on request, pole-changeable versions available with many speed combinations, e.g. with Dahlander winding 4-2, 8-4, 12-6 pole or 6-4, 8-2, 8-6 and 12-4 pole with two separate windings, three speeds such as 8-4-2 or 8-6-4 or four speeds 12-8-6-4 pole Features: Energy-efficient and evironment-friendly, suitable for converter operation, designed to DIN EN 60034 (IEC 72), mounting dimensions and assignment of output ratings to DIN 42673, 42677 or progressive, robust, low-vibration grey-cast iron design, degree of protection IP 55, higher degrees up to IP 65 on request, class F insulation with thermal reserve, class H available as an option, terminal box optionally top-mounted, RHS or LHS up to frame size 315, various modifications possible


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