伽菲500克海洋魚貓糧根據貓咪嗅覺與味覺需求, 精選海洋新鮮魚肉及多種天然營養原料調制而成,定會受到饞嘴貓咪喜愛。特別添加牛磺酸:能使貓咪眼睛明亮有神、增強夜視能力;伽菲貓糧可使貓咪的尿液保持微酸性,從而預防泌尿系統疾病的發生。 Sanpo cat food formulated with select ocean fresh fish flesh and a variety of natural nutritional ingredients special for cat scent and taste requirement. It must be cat the most favorite. Adding Taurine,makes cat eyes bright and enhance night vision capabilities. Sanpo cat food makes cat urine to show slightly acidic to prevent urinary system diseases