防爆鋼板箱 電控箱 操作箱 配電箱
█ 適用于爆1炸性氣體環境1區、2區危險場所;
█ 適用于IIA、IIB、IIC級爆1炸性氣體環境;
█ 適用于可燃性粉塵環境20區、21區、22區;
█ 適用于溫度組別為T1—T6的環境;
█ 適用于石油石化、化工、釀酒、醫藥、油漆、紡織、印染、軍工設施等爆1炸性危險環境;
1. 本產品外殼采用優質鋼板焊接成型內裝防爆配電箱或防爆電磁起動器、防爆操作柱、防爆斷路器等防爆電器,表面經高速拋丸后粉末靜電噴塑,外形美觀;
1 the product shell with high-quality steel plate welding forming inner explosion-proof power distribution box or explosion-proof electromagnetic starter, explosion-proof operation column, circuit breaker, explosion-proof electrical equipment, surface blasting by high-speed after electrostatic powder spray, beautiful appearance;
2. 本產品為“二工電氣”改進型防爆產品構,內部防爆箱采用隔爆型結構,母線箱及接線箱采用增安型結構;
2 this product is" two electrical workers" improved explosion-proof product structure, internal explosion-proof box adopts flameproof structure, bus box and junction box adopts increase Ann type structure;
3. 采用多樣化設計,可選擇柜式、壁掛式、琴臺式等;
3 the diversification of the design, choice of cabinet, wall hanging, desk;
4. 內可按客戶要求加裝防爆可視玻璃,能夠顯示內部防爆電器的顯示或動作;
4 may according to the customer request an anti-explosion visible glass, can show the internal explosion-proof electrical display or action;
5. 所有緊固件均采用抗強腐蝕的304不銹鋼材質;
5 all the fastening pieces are made of strong corrosion of 304 stainless steel;
6. 布線方式,鋼管或電纜、防爆軟管均可;
The 6 wiring way, steel tube or cable, explosion-proof hose can be;
7. 可根據用戶要求特殊定制;
三、 技術參數
█ 防爆標志:ExdeIIBT4/T5/T6、ExdeIICT4/T5/T6、DIP A20 TA,T4/T5/T6;
█ 額定電壓:AC220/380V, 非標準電壓:12V/24V/36V/127V/660V;
█ 總開關電流:10A—800A;分開關電流:1A—630A;
█ 防護等級:IP54/IP55/IP65;
█ 螺紋規格:DN15-DN100/G1/2-G4寸
█ 引入線規格:直徑6mm-80mm;引出線規格:直徑6mm-80mm;
█ 引入引出方向:上進上出,下進下出(可按客戶要求不受限制)