設計依據 Design reference GB標準 ANSI標準 設計標準 Design standrd GB/12237 ANSI B16.34 結構長度 Face To face 對夾連接 Wafer connecting GB/12221 ANSI B16.10 連接法蘭尺寸 Connecting Flange Size GB/9113、JB/T79 ANSI B16.5 試驗和檢驗 Test&inspection JB/T9002 API598 注:系列蝶閥結構長度及連接法蘭尺寸可根據用戶要求設計制造。 Note:The structural length and connecting flange size of butterfly valve serles can be designed and manufactured as perusers'requirements. D643H氣動法蘭硬密封蝶閥主要零件材質表 Form of Major Parts Materials