LZCT bushing current transformer
概述 General description
LZCT Bushing Type Current Transformer is suitable for is suitable for current measurement,metering and microcomputer protection of distribution equipments in 35kV and 10kV AC power system. It is widely used in compact fully insulated ring net switch cabinets and capacitors because of its small volume, light weight, and convenient installment.
The circular ring core and secondary windings are vacuum poured by high quality epoxide resin in the fire retardant plastic casing, which has the characteristic of moisture proof, stable performance and dispensing with maintenance. It can be fixed on the bushings of the ring net switch cabinets and capacitors quickly and uniformly.
The current transformers can be divided several kinds according to the various current ratio, accuracy and rated loads. The specific parameters are showed in the corresponding parameter tables of every type.
型號 一次額定電流范圍 額定負載范圍 規格尺寸(mm) 重量(kg)
LZCT1-10 100~600A ≤10VA φ117×φ78×35 0.6
LZCT2-10I 50~600A ≤20VA φ130×φ82×40 1.2
LZCT2-10II 50~600A ≤20VA φ130×φ82×60 1.8
LZCT2-10III 50~600A ≤20VA φ130×φ82×80 2.4
LZCT3-35 50~600A ≤20VA φ145×φ106×52 2.0
技術參數 Technical data
額定頻率Rated frequency:50Hz or 60Hz;
額定二次電流Rated secondary current:5A or 1A;
額定短時熱電流Rated short-time thermal current:40kA,1s;
額定連續熱電流Rated continuous thermal current:120%In;
工頻耐壓Continuous power-frequency voltage 3kV