安全標準:EN ISO 11611、EN ISO 11612、EN14116、BS EN61482、ASTM D6413、NFPA2112。
-  此款服飾設計新穎別致,體現人性化設置的理念。
-  面料采用緞面設計,手感柔軟,顏色鮮艷,舒適美觀,時尚耐用。
-  領子是兩用的,可立可翻。領口有暗扣閉合。
-  前胸有兩個對稱的帶兜蓋的胸袋,左袋口留有插鋼筆孔,方便穿戴著使用。
-  前門襟為高強度雙向黃銅拉鏈,拉鏈頂部以兩枚暗扣閉合。
-  可調節袖口以銅制四合扣關閉。
-  腰部有明貼腰帶,兩側有收腰松緊帶,高空作業時防止進風。
-  袖子上有一個小型工具袋。
-  褲子側縫有兩個對稱的斜插袋。
-  臀部有兩個對稱的明貼袋。
-  配色阻燃線雙線縫制,主要線縫雙針埋夾確保牢固。
關鍵詞:  阻燃連體服,阻燃防護服,阻燃服,阻燃工作服,新鄉市豫龍紡織
    Xinxiang yulong textile co., LTD., founded in 2002, is a enterprise of manufacturing special protective fabric and clothing. We are the earlier manufacturers to produce flame retardant fabric in Xinxiang,China.Now we have many kinds of special fabric, and bring in the protective clothing production line, to meet the needs of different industries, sophisticated technology, high-quality products,favored by domestic and foreign customers, even the British and Irish military.Every year our factory would have a field certification by Bureau Veritas.
Our company website: http://www.fanghuomianliao.com.